«Christian Audigier Brand by CHRISTIAN AUDIGIER GROUP LTD » 
5 Years after the death of the famous and legendary French Designer,in other words, The King of Fashion, Christian Audigier , the Prestigious Brand created by the designer himself is relaunched throughout the world, represented by the LTD GROUP, managed by Mr. Vivian Marie offering and operating different products and concepts, ranging from Haute Couture to Streetwear by offering a wide range of derivative products but also a wide choice of scrupulously selected High-end Drinks, 100 % French, bottled in France, of an unprecedented design but above all of very high quality, in the image and in homage of The King of Fashion.

More About Vivian Marie

Vivian Marie (Franco-Mauricien, B. 1975), grew up in Paris where he accomplished with rigor and perseverance throughout his life apprenticeship, in different fields, great things with rigor, diligence and perseverance but above all the ambition to one day be able to achieve professional accomplishment in entrepreneurship for a cause and a passion that has driven him for many years, that of being able to take up the torch of his idol and lifelong mentor, Mr. Christian Audigier  for whom he carries a particular interest, which allowed him to achieve his ambitions by founding the  companies group's "  CHRISTIAN AUDIGIER GROUP LTD ,CHRISTIAN AUDIGIER ENTERTEMENT GROUP LTD , C.AUDIGIER & V.MARIE COUTURE GROUP LTD "  Mr. Christian Audigier  who also in turn nicknamed him «King of Fashion ». Today Owner of the brands, Executive-Chairman -General Director and Designer, Vivian Marie can only aspire to keep one thing in mind : 
«Never Give U p »


CHRISTIAN AUDIGIER GROUP LTD  Copyright ©. Tous droits réservés. 

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